How Do You Activate Your Cash App Card. Your cash card can be used as soon as you order it, by adding it to apple pay and google pay, or by using the card details found in the cash card tab. Tap ok when your cash app asks for permission to use your camera;
If you recently got your cash app card, you can activate it by two distinct techniques. For this, you will have to activate cash app card so it important that you know how to activate cash app. On the my cash page, click add cash and enter the amount of cash you.
Afterward, select cash card > activate cash card and scan the qr code with your camera.
Unable to activate cash application card before going home. Press the button at the bottom of the window. So, use your phone camera to scan the qr code. Before you make payments using your app, you need to have already set up a debit card or other type of funding source.